Tuesday, June 12, 2007

All good things come...

This year so far has been trying. We have had more trials then I wish to recount. And after months and months of searching for a job that not only would provide for us financially but also give me more time with Martin, weeks of interviews with different companies, rejections of offers that taxed my brain (I think that was more fear of what if this is the best I am ever offered.) I have received an offer worth noting. A little bit of negotiation and viola, I am now a coordinator for Groome Transportation. Or at least I think that is what my title is. So better pay, better opportunity, a chance to use my brain. To say that I am excited is an understatement. I am thrilled to be given the chance and challenge. I start in less than a week.

In addition, I am leaving on excellent terms. My recruiter told me that I had some of the best references and highest praises she had ever heard on a potential employee. I also have it on a reliable source that there is a surprise party in the works for me on Friday.

The only thing that I am apprehensive about is the daunting task of putting a department in order that I no nothing about yet. And I am only apprehensive because I know they dismissed the last coordinator. However, I don't doubt my own ability so I see this as a first of many good things to come.

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